All pool owners desire a clean and inviting pool and the best way to keep your pool spotlessly clean is to invest in an automatic pool cleaner. Regular use of an automatic pool cleaner to get rid of the dirt in your pool, will not only help to keep the water spotlessly clean but it will also prolong the life of the filter media.
Most automatic pool cleaners have a long or short cycle option and move around the floor and walls of the pool, directly picking up debris. Removing debris directly from the pool reduces the amount of filtering required which in turn prolongs the life of the media and allows longer intervals between media changes.
Daily use of a cleaner will also help reduce the uptake in sanitiser from the pool water so less chemicals are required and by keeping the pool clean less manual vacuuming is required, saving you both money and time so you have more opportunity to enjoy your pool.
Most of the models we offer can be controlled manually or via an app.
For more information on automated pool cleaners or to request a quote please call us on 01404 870007 or email